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Global aftermarket Services for turbomachinery
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Global aftermarket Services for turbomachinery
Global aftermarket Services for turbomachinery
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Global aftermarket Services for turbomachinery
Global aftermarket Services for turbomachinery
Global aftermarket Services for turbomachinery
Global aftermarket Services for turbomachinery
Global aftermarket Services for turbomachinery
Global aftermarket Services for turbomachinery
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GA (VSD) oil-injected screw compressors series

Liên hệ với chúng tôi


GA & GA⁺ (5-500 kW)
GA VSD (37 -315 kW)
GA VSD⁺ (7-75 kW)


Our market-leading GA oil-injected rotary screw compressor delivers outstanding performance, high productivity and low cost of ownership - even in the harshest environments.


Highest reliability

GA series is ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 1217 compliant. Long and trouble-free life at the lowest operating cost

Advanced design

Latest generation of our innovative oil-injected screw element included

Reduced energy costs

Reduced lifecycle costs thanks to the use of a superior screw element and a high efficiency motor. VSD reduces energy costs by 35% on average

Integrated air system

GA WorkPlace Air System delivered ready for use. No need for a separate compressor room. Low-noise operation, compact size and integrated air treatment equipment. Integrated options significantly reduce pressure drops to save energy

Easy installation

The compact, integrated design of GA 5-500 compressors includes internal piping, coolers, motor, lubrication and control system – all supplied as a ready-to-use package. Installation is fault-free and commissioning time is low. Simply plug and run

Air treatment integration


Full Feature GA compressors have an integrated dryer and oil-water separator to protect your compressed air network. The high-quality air extends the life of equipment, increasing efficiency and ensuring quality in your final product



Matching your specific requirements

Our GA oil-injected screw compressors bring industry-leading performance, flexible operation and high productivity, reduced enargy costs at a minimal cost of ownership. A wide range of compressors enables you to find the air solution that perfectly matches your specific requirements. Built to perform in even the harshest environments, an Atlas Copco GA keeps your production running efficiently.


Exceptional energy savings

Atlas Copco’s VSD⁺ technology closely follows the air demand by automatically adjusting the motor speed to match the compressed air supply to the demand. Combined with the innovative patented iPM (interior Permanent Magnet) motor (IE4), the GA VSD⁺ achieves average energy savings of 50%. This reduces the total lifecycle costs of the compressor up to 37% on average.

On top of energy savings up to 50% , the GA VSD⁺ realizes a Free Air Delivery (FAD) increase of up to 12% for improved efficiency and performance.

Discover the full benefits of our Variable Speed Drive technology

Technical specifications GA series

Dung lượng FAD l/s

8,4 l/s - 1 410 l/s

Áp suất làm việc

7,5 bar(e) - 13 bar(e)

Công suất động cơ đã lắp

5 kW - 500 kW

Dung lượng FAD

30,2 m³/h - 5 076 m³/h


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